Friday, February 15, 2008

"It's a marshmallow world in the winter
When the snow comes to cover the ground.
It's time for play,
It's a whipped-cream day
I wait for it the whole year round."

Yes, I know that's supposed to be a Christmas song, but seriously, look outside! (and there's more on the way). And that song got itself stuck in my head - I caught myself singing it in the shower last night!

This week has been pretty close to fantastic, I think. Well, now it's okay, anyway. I recall thinking yesterday that the week was entirely too short, where was I going to find enough time to study for 2 midterms AND write a 7-page annotated bibliography? Guess what - that's all done now, and not enough bad enough to lose sleep over! And now my last class of the week is finished, and it's time for the Reading Week excitement to begin! Actually, I got a head start on that already on Wednesday. Because on Wednesday, exactly 5 years minus 1 day from the day I wrote my G1 driver's test, I (finally) got my G! I really cut it close on that one. Ahhh, the thrill of procrastination. I was, yes, a bit nervous, but not too bad - I knew that I knew what I was doing...... mostly. Then last night I got a call from my Campfire! co-counsellor from last summer, who's coming over on Sunday! We started getting excited about seeing each other again - maybe not the best timing, because after that I had to force myself to sit down and finish my bibliography. Bleaugh.

Today - after I had handed in the bibliography, and Dr. G. totally scooped all my material for my seminar presentation (!) - I took the bus downtown again (I do that at least twice a week, I think!) to the library, hoping to get some video entertainment for next week. I didn't get the movies - either of them :( - but I managed to find some books to console myself ;), and I saw Janelle, whom I haven't seen since Christmas. The books should last me - til Monday, anyway.

But now I have coffee (serious caffeine addiction going on here, I tell ya), and I know I have no more academic requirements for at least the next half week, and I'm going to see Mel and Laura on Sunday, and Debbie on Wednesday if we can work it out, and my other girls on Friday - and this is gonna be great!

Have a good Reading Week - or just Family Day (*hah!*) if you're not lucky enough to be a student (or if you go to York U. - hee hee!)


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